What Standards Are We Setting For Our Children?

Published August 5, 2020 by The Leabridge

Proverbs 22:6 – Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.


Everyone has personal standards and they are often influence by e.g. religious beliefs, social standing, family, environmental/ social factors, life experiences etc. These standards are important because they serve as an anchor, a place where we go back to when we need to recharge or revaluate things. It is what keeps us from drifting too far in the currents / storms of the world.

  • As a parent what standards are you putting in place for your children?
  • What values do you practice?
  • Do you tell them one thing and do another? Don’t forget that children tend to do what you do rather than what you say. They are watching
  • What standards do you have as regards the way the talk to others?
  • Do you give excuses for your child’s bad behavior?
  • How do you instill discipline I your home?
  • Do you favour one child over the other?
  • Do you take time to listen to your child?
  • Do you explain the reasons behind certain decisions you make?
  • Do you give your children room to make decisions, mistakes & learn life lessons on their own?

These and so many questions need to be considered.

As a parent you need to know that your voice becomes your children’s inner voice when he / she is alone and needs to make decisions. Let them know that you are their safe place; no matter what happens let them know they can come running to you with fear of judgement or condemnation.

It’s our job as parents to raise godly children. Its our responsibility to equip these children with the standards and values that will help them fulfill purpose.

We the parents of today determine the type of world we will be living in, in another 30 – 40 years.

The youth / child of today is tomorrow’s leader.



#TheLeabridge #TheLeabridgeParents #ChroniclesOfATeacher #ILoveKids #Teacher


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